• Fresh Roasted Coffee

    A fresh roasted coffee that invites you to embark on a journey of sensory delight and heartfelt connection.

    Handcrafted with care and passion, Soulful Sips captures the essence of tranquility and inspiration in every bean. From the moment you open the bag, you'll be greeted by the enticing aroma of freshly roasted coffee, promising a deeply satisfying experience.

  • Washed Coffee

    The washed coffee process involves removing the outer pulp from freshly harvested coffee cherries, fermenting them in water to remove the mucilage, and then washing and drying the beans. This method typically produces clean, bright coffees with distinct flavor profiles and is favored in regions with access to ample water resources.

  • Faith Based Coffee

    At Soulful Sips Coffee, we believe in brewing more than just coffee; rooted in faith, our mission is to blend the rich flavors of exceptional coffee with the warmth of genuine human connections.
    With every sip, we invite you to experience the uplifting power of faith, to savor the richness of relationships, and to discover the joy in sharing meaningful conversations. Soulful Sips is not just a coffee company; it's a journey towards nourishing the soul, one sip at a time!

Helping Those In Need

When you order our delicious fresh roasted coffee, you are also helping to feed, and house the homeless and those in need. Soulful Sips Coffee donates 15% of profits to Chum, a Christian non-profit helping to serve more than 8,000 low-income, hungry, isolated, or otherwise marginalized community members in Duluth, MN each year!